CNRED representatives participated on 17-19 June in Prague at the 25th annual Joint Meeting of the Network of national recognition centers ENIC-NARIC, organized by the European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
The Agenda of the meeting included topics such as: the development of the European Area of Education, Quality Assurance, Migration and Higher Education Institutions, the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees, regional cooperation, automatic recognition or innovation and digitization in the recognition process.
Representatives of CNRED actively participated in the organized debates and workshops, demonstrating their interest, among others, in the issues of recognition of refugee qualifications, online recognition, regional and international cooperation, in this latter case the results of the Quality and Impact project Recognition Networks (IMPACT – Erasmus +), organized by NUFFIC Netherlands, where CNRED evaluated the homologue Center in Jerusalem, Israel.
The next joint meeting of ENIC-NARIC National Recognition Centers Networks will take place in June 2019 in Cologne, Germany.