Starting May 22, 2018, CNRED implements the new provisions on procedures for the recognition and equivalence of pre-university study documents obtained abroad for applicants seeking to continue their studies or to work in Romania.

The main changes were aimed at reducing the number of documents required for the issuance of the recognition / equivalence certificates, while accepting study documents without translations for those issued in the languages ​​of international circulation. Recognition is also facilitated for access to similar areas in higher education for holders of diplomas with restrictive access in the state of origin.
In line with the European recommendations in the area of ​​recognition of studies and, at the same time, to facilitate the academic and professional mobility, a priority assumed at European level, CNRED recognizes, according to the new methodology, the baccalaureate diplomas without the application of difference exams.

See the new provisions of the Order of the Minister of National Education no. 3630/2018 regarding the approval of the Methodology for recognition and equivalence of pre-university education documents obtained abroad.
