With a user-friendly and appealing design, CNRED launches today, 21 November, a new web interface – www.cnred.edu.ro for the services offered, in Romanian, English and French: recognition of diplomas obtained abroad or the issuance of specific documents to facilitate the recognition abroad of diplomas obtained in Romania.

This new action of CNRED integrates previous digitization efforts into a new multisite platform, which allows, through the implementation of modern technologies, access to content adapted for various mobile devices.

Thus, starting in 2020, CNRED made available to all those interested, through the Electronic Single Point of Contact, the online recognition of study diplomas obtained abroad and the online authentication of higher education diplomas for those going abroad. Any interested person can access https://edirect.e-guvernare.ro to obtain the study recognition certificate online.

By implementing the QR Code on the recognition documents issued by CNRED, the File status check module on the CNRED website is accessed, where the authenticity of the certificate issued by CNRED can be checked/confirmed. The File status check module can also be used to find out the stage in which the recognition request addressed to CNRED is.

At the same time, the development of CNRED.DEQAR.link web platform by CNRED, in its capacity as ENIC-NARIC Centre, makes available to the public relevant information about higher education institutions and accredited study programmes from over 80 countries.

Online recognition of studies carried out abroad – a transparent and accessible public service for Romanian and foreign citizens!

Publication date: 21.11.2023
