On February 7, 2024 a new training session was held in Warsaw within the framework of the European Qualifications – Refugees and Recognition 4 (EQUAL) project, no. 101101707, financed by the European Commission, project dedicated to the members of ENIC/NARIC National Recognition Centers network, in which Romania is a partner along with Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Norway, Greece and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

This training session concluded the series of online trainings, focusing on alternative ways that can be used in the recognition of qualifications that can be partially or not proven by academic documents. The working groups had at their disposal tools developed in previous projects – such as EQPR (European Passport of Qualifications for Refugees), Toolkit for Recognition of Refugees’ Qualifications and ARENA Pathway – incorporating good practices already used in other countries, but adapted to specific needs each country involved in the project.

On this occasion, the first version of the e-learning platform developed within EQUAL project was presented, which will be available at the time of launch to other interested authorities.

The project thus aims to implement Article VII of the Lisbon Recognition Convention by supporting the NARIC centers to develop specific mechanisms for the recognition, in a fair and transparent manner, of the qualifications proven or not by documents, obtained by refugees.

Additional information about the EQUAL project – https://hkdir.no/en/equal

Publication date: 12.02.2024
