European initiatives in the field of recognition of qualifications, on the agenda with Romanian higher education institutions
The National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) organized today, May 16, a series of online workshops with higher education institutions in Romania, dedicated to the implementation of recent European initiatives that facilitate the access and admission process of European students.
The automatic recognition of qualifications that gives access to higher education, the use of online course catalogues online, micro-credentials and good practices in the field at the European level were presented by CNRED and discussed with the representatives of Romanian higher education institutions.
The tools recently created at European level are also developed within two projects financed by the Erasmus+ program, action 3, and are dedicated to ENIC/NARIC networks:
The OCTRA 2 project – Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition 2, no. 101101695, in which Romania is a partner along with Latvia, Poland, Ireland, Bulgaria, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina -, aims to further explore the role of online course catalogues of higher education institutions from partner countries in the project, with an emphasis on micro-credentials, to ensure support for higher education institutions in providing reliable information for the recognition of higher education qualifications, including micro-credentials that in the future may lead to automatic recognition of higher education qualifications.
The ARAQUA project – Road to Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Access Qualifications, no. 101101645, in which Romania is a partner along with Latvia, Denmark, Italy, Malta, Estonia, Slovakia, Armenia and Ireland – explores and maps, at the level of the partner countries, the qualifications that allow access to higher education in order to develop a set of recommendations for ENIC-NARIC centers and for higher education institutions to facilitate the automatic recognition of these qualifications among states.
From the above perspective, the debates highlighted the interest and concerns of higher education institutions in Romania to strengthen the dimension of internationalization, as well as the need for permanent collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the exchange of best practices.
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Publication date: 16.05.2024