Certificate of conformity of studies in compliance with the provisions of Directive 2005/36/EC for professions not regulated under Romanian law

About the certificate of conformity of studies for professions not regulated under Romanian law

According to the provisions of Art. (1) of the Methodology approved by O.M. no. 5526/2024, the certificate of compliance for professions not regulated in Romania is issued to citizens of Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation, as well as to citizens who are beneficiaries of Art. 50 of the Treaty on European Union, hereinafter referred to as beneficiaries of Art. 50 TEU, who have studied in Romania and who apply for the issue of a certificate of compliance, in order to exercise, independently or as an employee, a profession not regulated in Romania, but regulated in one of the above-mentioned states; to check whether the profession is regulated, please visit https://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/regprof/jobseeker.

The attestation certifies that the studies completed in Romania comply with the provisions of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, as amended and supplemented.

According to Art. (1) of the Methodology related to O.M. no. 5526/2024, “The certificate of conformity is issued by CNRED […] on the basis of a diploma issued by an educational establishment or an accredited higher education institution within the Romanian national education system”.

For professions regulated by Romanian law, such an attestation is issued by the relevant competent authorities. We recommend that you check whether your study documents refer to a profession regulated in Romania.

Submitting the application

    Required documents

    Required documents

    1. Application form – for file submission in physical format

    2. Study document for which the certificate of conformity is requested, in copy:

    • diploma
    • certificate
    • certificate or attestation of competence, etc.

      3. Appendices to the diploma (Academic Transcript of Records or Diploma Supplement), in copies

      4. Diploma and/or of the annex to the diploma or certificate of vocational school, further education or apprenticeship, if you are applying for the attestation of diploma or certificate of vocational school, further education or apprenticeship, in copy;

      5. Personal identification documents, in copy:

      • passport
      • identity document – identity card or identity card
      • proof of change of name, if applicable
      • residence document proving that you are a beneficiary of Article 50 TEU, if applicable.

      6. Evaluation fee of 50 lei

      The fee can be paid in lei:

      • at the CNRED Cashier’s Office

      Monday to Thursday, between 9:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00

      • through Ghișeul.ro        individuals            legal persons   


      From abroad, the payment can be made in Euro via bank transfer in the account below:

      Beneficiary: Ministry of Education and Research
      Tax Registration Number: 13729380
      BankRomanian Commercial Bank – BCR, branch University
      IBAN Code: RO35RNCB0080005630300077
      BIC Code: RNCB

      The fee will be calculated according to the National Bank of Romania official exchange rate on the day of the payment.

      ImportantThe beneficiary’s IBAN number along with owner’s and employer’s name (if applicable) must be referred to on the proof of payment!

      Evaluation of documents

      Evaluation of documents

      The CNRED checks the existence of all documents and, if necessary, notifies the applicant to complete the file within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the notification. If the file is not completed within the deadline, the CNRED shall close the file and the procedure shall be resumed on the basis of the submission of a new file.

      The processing time is a maximum of 30 working days from the date of registration of the complete file at CNRED. The deadline may be extended if additional checks of the documents submitted in the file are necessary.

      Check the status of the file by accessing File status check.

      Issuing the certificate

      Issuing the certificate

      • in electronic format, in the PCUe platform, for the requests sent online
      • CNREDworking hours: Monday to Thursday,  between 09:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00

      National Centre for Equivalence and Recognition of Diplomas
      12 Spiru Haret street, district 1, 010176 Bucharest

      • By mail, to the address indicated in the application
      • By courier –  payment upon reaching destination – the courier service is contracted by the applicant

      The certificate is issued to the holder or to a person authorized by power of attorney.

      Duplicate release

      Duplicate release

        In case of loss, destruction or damage of the attestation, CNRED will issue a duplicate upon request.

        For the duplicate to be issued, the following documents must be submitted:

        1. the application;
        2. a copy of the diploma on the basis of which the certificate was issued;
        3. a copy of the identity document;
        4. a copy of the proof of the evaluation fee;
        5. a copy of the declaration on the person’s own responsibility as to whether he/she falls into one of the above-mentioned situations.

        Appealing procedure

        Appealing procedure

        The decision of the CNRED may be contested once within 30 working days from the date of communication, by means of a reasoned request submitted to the Ministry of Education and Research Registrar’s Office or by post.


        Alina NISTOR, Counselor

        E-mail: alina.nistor@edu.gov.ro

        Phone: 021 405 63 12, Fax: 021 313 10 13

        Issuing of certificates

        Phone: 021 405 63 23, Fax: 021 313 10 13

        E-mail: florica.oancea@edu.gov.ro

        Video tutorial for the online transmission of files, through the electronic Single Point of Contact
