Guide for the recognition of professional experience and of qualifications acquired abroad
This guide was developed at the initiative of the Presidential Administration (Working Group for the repatriation of Romanians abroad) and the Department for Romanians Everywhere (DRP), with the contributions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the National Agency for Employment, the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED), the National Authority for Qualifications and the INCA Romania Association, under the coordination of DRP.
SITUATION 1: Recognition / equivalence of study diplomas I. Pre-university studies (baccalaureate, vocational and post-secondary education) II. University studies (bachelor’s, master’s and PhD.) |
Institution | Documents required | Legal framework | Contact details |
National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) / Ministry of Education
CNRED was created based on H.G. no. 49/1999
CNRED is the national coordinator for transposition of the Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.
Competent institutions for the regulated professions (their list can be consulted here). |
General information on the documents required for the recognition of pre-university diplomas can be found here.
General information on the documents required for the recognition of university diplomas can be found here.
Unregulated professions CNRED is the institution responsible for the recognition and equivalence of diplomas attesting to unregulated professional qualifications. Information on the procedure for university studies can be found here. Information on the procedure for post-secondary studies can be found here. Information on the procedure for vocational school studies can be found here.
Regulated professions Competent authorities for the regulated professions are public institutions or professional bodies which accourding to the law in force have the right to recognize professional qualifications obtained in EU Member States.
Sectoral regulated professions Responsible institutions and details of the procedures for the recognition and equivalence of diplomas attesting to the regulated professional qualifications obtained in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation: For the recognition and equivalence of diplomas attesting sectorally regulated professional qualifications, obtained outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation you need to contact CNRED. Information on the procedure for university studies can be found here. Information on the procedure for post-secondary studies can be found here.
Professional qualifications attesting to a medical specialty performed abroad are recognized by the Ministry of Health, the procedure being available here. |
National Education Law no. 1/2011
European Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications
Specific legislation for sector-regulated areas can be consulted here. |
12, Spiru Haret street, District 1, Bucharest
Phone: +4 021 405 63 23 Fax: +4 021 313 10 13 E-mail: |
Examples: Alina attended the Faculty of Architecture at a university in Austria and wants to have her bachelor’s degree recognized in Romania. She must send her documents the Order of Architects of Romania, according to the procedure listed here, because the profession of architect is sectorally regulated and the diploma was issued in a Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation.
Mihai attended the courses of the Faculty of Dentistry at a university in Canada and wants to have his bachelor’s degree recognized in in Romania. He must send his documents to CNRED, following the procedure listed here, because the profession of dentist is sectorally regulated and the diploma was obtained outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation.
Florina obtained a qualification of accountant in Czech Republic and wants to work in Romania as an accountant. In Romania, accountant is a regulated profession, so Florina must send hed documents the the competent authority for the accountant professionm which, according to the law, is CECCAR. The procedure can be accessed here.
Maria attended the Faculty of History at a university in Germany and wants to have her bachelor’s degree recognized in Romania. She must send her documents to CNRED, following the procedure listed here, since the profession of historian is not regulated. |
SITUATION 2: Recognition of professional experience gained in EU Member States, EEA or the Swiss Confederation, for persons wishing to carry out in Romania the activities listed in Annex IV to Directive 2005/36/EC | |||
Institution | Documents required | Legal framework | Contact details |
Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity (MMSS)
MMPS recognizes professional experience for persons wishing to carry out in Romania the activities listed in Annex IV of European Directive 2005/36/EC |
Application form (Annex 2 of Order no. 695/2016) Copy of identity card Copy of the birth certificate (and its translation into Romanian, if applicable) Copy of the marriage certificate (and its translation into Romanian, if applicable) Declaration on one’s own responsibility, given in front of the notary public, in original (model provided in Annex 3 of Order no. 695/2016) |
Order no. 695/2016 on the approval of the Procedure for granting access, based on the automatic recognition of professional experience, for persons wishing to exercise in Romania the activities included in Annex IV of the European Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications. |
2 – 4, Dem.I.Dobrescu street, District 1, Bucharest
Phone: +4 021 313 62 67 E-mail: |
Examples[1]: Gabriel carried out activities in the ISIC 40 group in Italy ”Installation works ” as a self-employed worker for at least 6 consecutive years. These activities can be found on List I of Annex IV to Directive 2005/36/EC, taken over in annex 2 to Order no. 695/2016. Given that the provisions of the art. 35^15 paragraph (1) letter a) of Law no. 200/2004 are met, Gabriel must send the above mentioned documents to the MMPS to obtain the Certificate of recognition of professional experience.
Florentina carried out activities in Germany from the former group ISIC 85 ”Photo Workshops”. She was self-employed for at least 5 consecutive years. These activities can be found on List II of Annex IV to Directive 2005/36/EC, taken over in annex 2 to Order no. 695/2016. Given that the provisions of the art. 35^15 paragraph (2) letter a) of Law no. 200/2004 are met, Florentina must send the above-mentioned documents to the MMPS to obtain the Certificate of recognition of professional experience.
Georgiana carried out activities in the Swiss Confederation included in the former ISIC 85 group ”Beauty salons” as an employee for at least 3 consecutive years, full time. (In this case, the applicant must prove that he or she has undergone prior training for the activity in question, attested by a certificate recognized by the Member State or considered fully valid by a competent professional body). These activities can be found on List III of Annex IV to Directive 2005/36/EC, taken over in annex 2 to Order no. 695/2016. Given that the provisions of the art. 35^15 paragraph (2) letter a) of Law no. 200/2004 are met, Georgiana must send the above-mentioned documents to the MLSP to obtain the Certificate of recognition of professional experience. |
SITUATION 3: I need Recognition of a Certificate of Qualification acquired outside the education system, from authorized vocational training providers / competence assessment centers, in EU Member States, EEA or the Swiss Confederation, and I have / I do not have professional experience | |||
Institution | Documents required | Legal framework | Contact details |
There is no institution responsible for the recognition of qualification certificates for unregulated professions. The central public administration institutions, with responsibilities in the field[2], will initiate steps to regulate this issue. |
Example: Ionut obtained a qualification certificate for the beekeeping profession in Great Britain, but he does not have professional experience. He has returned to Romania and is looking for a job according to the qualification obtained abroad; in order to be able to be employed with legal forms in the labor market and according to his professional training, he needs the recognition of the qualification certificate. |
SITUATION 4: 4.1. I have professional experience (with supporting documents/ without supporting documents [3]) and I HAVE qualification certificates. 4.2. I have professional experience (with supporting documents / without supporting documents), but DO NOT have qualification certificates. |
Institution | Documents required | Legal framework | Contact details |
1) National Authority for Qualifications (ANC)
ANC is the National Contact Point for the recognition of qualifications.
For the assessment and certification of professional skills – for a fee or free of charge[4] ! Assessment and certification of skills acquired in non-formal ways can be done by Competence assessment and certification centers, authorized by ANC ,
2) National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) through county/municipal agencies (AJOFM/AMOFM)
For free access to training programs or skills assessment – you must register with the AJOFM / AMOFM in your town as a job seeker to receive information and professional advice, recommendation to take a course or to participate in skills assessment processes.
Adult training courses are organized for occupations / qualifications required on the local labor market or depending on the options of registered jobseekers. Every month, ANOFM publishes on their site the list of the courses to be organized by each AJOFM.
Important! The assessment of professional skills can be done only for certain occupations / qualifications – for more information see National register of evaluation centers for complete information. |
1) Request addressed to one of Centers for the assessment and certification of professional skills acquired in ways other than formal ones (application form available in the evaluation centers) Copy of identity card Copy of birth certificate Copy of marriage certificate (if applicable) Proof of the last level of education completed
Recommendation: If you have the necessary documents, you can set up a portfolio to prove the relevant activity in the occupation / qualification for which you are requesting assessment and certification.
Note: Additional documents may be required by the Assessment and Certification Center you are contacting. |
for the approval of the Procedure for the evaluation and certification of professional competencies obtained non-formally |
National Authority for Qualifications 1-3, Valter Mărăcineanu Sq., Entry B, floor 2, room 117, District 1, 010155 Bucharest E-mail:
List of Centers for the assessment and certification of professional competences obtained non-formally |
2) The list of County Employment Agencies can be found here. |
2) Law no. 76/2002 on the unemployment insurance system and employment stimulation , art. 63 – art. 70
For free evaluation through AJOF / AMOFM the following provisions must be followed: chapter V – Measures to stimulate employment, point 3^1. Assessment and certification of professional skills acquired non-formally from Law 76/2002 on the unemployment insurance system and stimulation employment, art. 70^1 – art. 70^5 |
Examples: 1) I do not have any qualification certificate and I cannot prove the experience, but I have carried out that activity After 6 years of legal work in Spain as a PVC carpenter/installer, Anton decides to return to Romania. He cannot apply for a job that could enhance his professional experience without a qualification certificate or documents proving where and how he worked. Anton can apply to a competency assessment and certification center of ANOFM/AJOFM and follow the steps mentioned above for the assessment and certification of competencies and to obtain a certificate of professional competence.
2) I have work experience and can present supporting documents, but I do NOT have a certificate of qualification Marian worked for 4 years in Italy as a bricklayer (therefore, he has experience in the field). He does not have a training qualification / diploma. In Romania he is employed as an unskilled worker and receives the minimum wage in the sector, even if the employer is very pleased with his know-how. Marian must contact one of the Centers for the assessment and certification of professional skills acquired in ways other than formal ones or the County Agency for Employment in his county in which he has his domicile or residence to have his competencies assessed and obtain a certificate of professional competences.
3) I have work experience (and I can present supporting documents) and I have a qualification certificate Dumitru worked for 4 years in Italy on a construction site where he used equipment (bulldozer, excavator), but for which he cannot present documents. Later on, Dumitru got a job at a construction company where he worked for 2 years. In the meantime, he took a training course and obtained the qualification for excavator for high-capacity rotor excavators. For family reasons, he decides to return home. He has the qualification of excavator for high-capacity rotor excavators and documents for only 2 years of experience. In this case, Dumitru must follow the steps mentioned at point 4, respectively contact one of the Centers for the assessment and certification of professional skills acquired in ways other than formal ones or the County Agency for Employment from his county for the evaluation of competencies and to obtain the certificate of professional competences OR Dumitru can follow the steps at point 3 to have his certificate of excavator for excavators with high capacity rotor recognized in Romania, after this situation is regulated. |
[1] The examples provided concern only some of the situations provided in Annex IV of Directive 2005/36/EC taken over in Annex 2 to Order 695/20016 that meet the provisions of art. 35^15 of Law no. 200/2004. If you comply with the provisions of the enumerated normative acts, you must contact the MMPS to obtain the Certificate of recognition of professional experience.
[2] National Authority for Qualifications, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Education.
[3] With supporting documents = can justify professional experience with documents; No supporting documents = can not justify professional experience with documents
[4] In the Competence Assessment and Certification Centers obtained non-formally, the assessment is carried out with payment or free of charge.
[1] Exemplele oferite vizează doar câteva dintre situațiile prevăzute în Anexa IV din Directiva 2005/36/CE preluată în Anexa 2 la Ordinul 695/20016 care îndeplinesc prevederile art. 35^15 din Legea nr. 200/2004. În cazul în care vă încadrați în prevederile actelor normative enumerate, trebuie să vă adresați MMPS în vederea eliberării Atestatului de recunoaștere a experienței profesionale.
[2] Autoritatea Națională pentru Calificări, Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale, Ministerul Educației.
[3] Cu acte doveditoare = pot justifica experiența profesională cu documente; Fără acte doveditoare = nu pot justifica experiența profesională cu documente
[4] În Centrele de evaluare și certificare a competențelor obținute pe alte căi decât cele formale, evaluarea se realizează contra cost sau gratuit.