News archive
CNRED representatives participated in the annual meeting with the FLEX scholarship holders
At the invitation of the American Councils for International Education, Romanian Branch, CNRED representatives participated at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest, on March 23, 2024, in a new meeting with the FLEX Romania 2024-2025 scholarship holders. The...
Micro-credentials and online course catalogs on the agenda of the European OCTRA 2 project
The National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas participated online, between March 20 and 21, in a series of actions organized in Warsaw by the counterpart Center within the OCTRA 2 project - Online course catalogs and databases for transparency and...
Consolidation of Romania’s active role in UNESCO structures by participating in the first extraordinary meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference of States Parties to the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education
Romania participated, on March 7 of this year, in the first extraordinary meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference of the States Parties to the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Our country was the fifth state to...
CNRED continues the series of actions dedicated to “automatic recognition” within the European ARAQUA project
The National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas organized at the National University of Music Bucharest, between February 29 and March 1, a series of actions within the Road to Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Access Qualifications (ARAQUA)...
A longstanding European undertaking is successfully completed – EU member states will automatically recognize Romanian nurses responsible for general care diplomas obtained before EU accession
On February 12, 2024 was published, in the Official Journal of the European Union, the Directive (EU) 2024/505 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 February 2024 amending Directive 2005/36/EC as regards the recognition of professional qualifications of...
CNRED attended a new training session within EQUAL project
On February 7, 2024 a new training session was held in Warsaw within the framework of the European Qualifications – Refugees and Recognition 4 (EQUAL) project, no. 101101707, financed by the European Commission, project dedicated to the members of ENIC/NARIC National...
CNRED – a quarter of a century of national and international activity in the field of recognition
In January 2024, the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) celebrated 25 years of activity, 25 years of « Correct information – the key to the recognition of studies »! Originally created in 1995 as the Romanian NARIC Center at the...
A new, intuitive and accessible web interface launched by the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas
With a user-friendly and appealing design, CNRED launches today, 21 November, a new web interface - for the services offered, in Romanian, English and French: recognition of diplomas obtained abroad or the issuance of specific documents to facilitate...
Recognition of qualifications for refugees on the agenda of a new working meeting of the European EQUAL project
On 22 September this year, the first working meeting was held in Oslo to review the progress of the European Qualifications – Refugees and Recognition 4 (EQUAL) project, no. 101101707, funded by the European Commission, for members of the ENIC/NARIC National...
CNRED continues the series of activities to implement projects funded by the Erasmus+ Programme
OCTRA 2 project – Course catalogues and online databases for transparency and recognition 2 On 14 September this year, the first working meeting was held in Riga to review the progress of the project OCTRA 2 – Online course catalogues and databases for transparency...